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November Newsletter: How Chiropractic Care Can Help Runners

Olympians Molly Huddle, Will Claye, and Colleen Quigley rely on chiropractic care to stay in top shape for running competitions. Visiting a chiropractor could be just as beneficial for you. Whether you’re a casual runner, a marathoner, or an Olympic hopeful, chiropractic care eases pain, soothes aching muscles, and helps you avoid injuries.

6 Ways Chiropractic Care Helps You Stay Fit and Healthy

Although running is an excellent form of aerobic exercise, there’s no denying it can be hard on your body. Running exerts considerable pressure on your muscles, joints, and tissues, increasing your risk of strains, sprains, fractures, tendonitis, and other injuries.

Unsurprisingly, running injuries often affect the lower part of the body, from the hip to the feet. The location of these injuries varies depending on the sex of runners, according to a systematic review published in Physical Activity and Health. The review notes that women are more likely to develop injuries in the calf or lower leg, while injuries in men most often occur in the hip/pelvis/upper leg region.

Even minor injuries can disrupt your training schedule and affect conditioning, stamina, and endurance. Luckily, chiropractic care can help you recover from injuries and reduce your risk for future injuries.

Visiting the chiropractor offers these benefits for runners:

  • More Fluid Stride. Stiff joints affect your gait and may make running more difficult. Stiffness and mobility issues can be related to subluxations, misalignments of the vertebrae in your spine. These misalignments are painful in themselves but cause other problems too. Subluxations also affect the muscles and tissues attached to the spine, causing some muscles to become too tight, while others slacken. When muscles are imbalanced, you’re more likely to experience injuries while running. Spinal manipulation, a simple treatment that realigns the vertebrae with quick thrusts, restores normal spinal alignment, and eases pressure on muscles, tendons, and ligaments.
  • Less Pain and Inflammation. Chiropractic treatments flood your body with endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers. Endorphins soothe achy muscles and improve your mood. In fact, they’re responsible for the runner’s high. Spinal manipulation, massage, ultrasound therapy, and other chiropractic treatments ease pain and reduce inflammation. You’ll probably notice an improvement in pain after your first chiropractic visit, although it may take a few treatments to see a significant improvement, particularly if you’ve been in pain for a while.
  • Fewer Shin Splints. Shin splints may be considered a minor injury, but they make running difficult or impossible. Subluxations can be a contributing factor in shin splints, as misalignments in your spine affect the balance of your entire body. A spinal misalignment can strain the muscles, tendons, and tissues in your shins, increasing your risk for shin splints. Spinal manipulation therapy eases pain and inflammation and realigns your spine, reducing stress and strain on your shins. Massage, soft tissue, mobilization, ultrasound therapy, dry needling, and shoe inserts can also be helpful if shin splints are a problem for you.
  • Relief from Muscle Spasms. Do you have muscle spasms while you’re running or resting? Your chiropractor can determine why you’re getting spasms and offer helpful treatments, like hot and cold therapy, massage, spinal manipulation, and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) to deal with these issues. TENS treatment involves using a gentle electrical current to decrease tightness and ease pain.
  • Quicker Recovery from Injuries. Chiropractic treatment improves blood flow to injured areas, which speeds healing time when you have a running injury. Manipulation and soft tissue treatments break up scar tissue, preventing joint restrictions and boosting flexibility, range of motion, and mobility.
  • Prevention of Injuries. You’re less likely to stumble and fall or strain a muscle, tendon, or ligament if your body is properly balanced. Spinal manipulation, massage, and other therapies keep your joints properly aligned and your tissues loose and flexible. Chiropractic treatments not only help you avoid injury but may also enhance your performance. Decreased speed or endurance due to gait problems is less likely to happen when you have full range of motion in your joints.

Don’t let running injuries sideline you! Add regular visits to the chiropractor to your training schedule. Contact our office to schedule a pre- or post-run visit.


New York Times: When All Else Fails, It’s Time to See the Olympic Body Mechanic, 8/3/2021


Physical Activity and Health: The Prevalence of Lower Extremity Injuries in Running and Associated Risk Factors: A Systematic Review, 7/9/2021


WebMD: Chiropractic Care for Joint Problems: What to Know, 10/1/20


National University of Health Sciences: 6 Reasons Why Athletes Love Chiropractic Medicine, 9/10/2019


Runner’s World: Should You See a Chiropractor?, 9/2/2016


October Newsletter: Can Chiropractic Care Help with Digestive Disorders?

Can you remember the last time you left home without a roll of antacids or a bottle of pills? Planning ahead is important if you never know when nausea, heartburn, diarrhea, gas, or other symptoms could ruin your day. If you’re struggling to control your digestive disorder symptoms, a visit to the chiropractor may be just what you need to quiet your gastrointestinal system.

The Link Between Your Digestive and Nervous Systems

Your body relies on signals from the brain for many crucial body functions. The brain sends messages to your organs, cells, and tissues via nerves that branch out from the spinal cord. Nerve signals control blood flow, heart rate, and breathing. They also help you move your muscles, feel pain, smell a flower, and digest food.

Any interruption in the signals may affect your senses, your ability to move, or the way your body breaks down and uses the food you eat. Interruptions can happen if a nerve becomes damaged or compressed due to injuries, infections, tumors, or diseases, like diabetes, multiple sclerosis, or Parkinson’s disease.

Nerve signals could also be affected if a subluxation presses on a nerve. Subluxations happen when one or more vertebrae become misaligned. A subluxation may also compress nerves by tightening nearby muscles and tissues.

If the subluxation affects a nerve that serves your digestive system, you may develop one or more of these uncomfortable symptoms:

  • Upset Stomach
  • Frequent Diarrhea or Constipation
  • Nausea
  • Heartburn
  • Indigestion
  • Gas
  • Bloating
  • Abdominal Cramps

Subluxations could worsen your symptoms if you have gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD), irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, or another digestive disorder.

Many things can cause subluxations, including:

  • Falls
  • Car Accidents
  • Sports Injuries
  • Poor Posture
  • Poor Form When Exercising
  • Improper Lifting Techniques
  • Stress

Subluxations aren’t the only problems that prevent signals from reaching your digestive system. Herniated or bulging discs in your spine can also interfere with nerve signals if the bulging part of the disc presses on a nerve.

Chiropractic Care Solutions for Digestive Disorders

Restoring the normal position of your vertebrae eases pressure on nerves, which may improve the way your digestive system works. Chiropractors often use spinal manipulation to realign your vertebrae. During spinal manipulation treatment, your chiropractor uses an activator or swift, hands-on thrusts to adjust the position of the vertebrae.

In addition to realigning the vertebrae, spinal manipulation relieves pressure on bulging discs. If you have a bulging disc, your chiropractor may also recommend flexion-distraction, a type of therapy performed on a table that moves as your chiropractor applies gentle pressure to your spine. Flexion distraction helps move the disc back between the vertebrae and may decrease spinal disc bulging.

Your chiropractic treatment plan might also include massage and other soft tissue treatments. These treatments relax tight tissues that compress nerves in addition to relieving pain. Does stress seem to make your digestive symptoms worse? Soft tissue treatments increase your body’s production of endorphins and serotonin, hormones that relieve pain and act as natural stress relievers.

A narrative review of research studies published in the Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association examined the effects of chiropractic treatment on patients who suffered from dyspepsia (indigestion) due to GERD for at least two years. Spinal manipulation treatment and soft tissue therapy reduced the severity and frequency of their GERD symptoms.

You’re not alone if you experience digestive problems. In fact, a survey of 71,000 Americans published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology revealed that 61% experience symptoms every week. Luckily, chiropractic care offers an excellent way to control and reduce your symptoms. Visiting your chiropractor may even help you reduce your reliance on antacids or medications. In addition to providing treatments, your chiropractor can offer nutritional advice, help you correct posture issues that may be worsening your symptoms, and recommend exercises that will prevent subluxations by strengthening the muscles that support your spine.

Ready to find out if chiropractic treatment could help you control your digestive symptoms? Give our office a call to schedule an appointment.


The Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association: What Effect Does Chiropractic Treatment Have on Gastrointestinal GI Disorders: A Narrative Review of the Literature, 6/15


American Journal of Gastroenterology: Burden of Gastrointestinal Symptoms in the United States: Results of a Nationally Representative Survey of Over 71,000 Americans, 11/2018


StatPearls: Physiology, Gastrointestinal Nervous Control, 9/26/2022


American Chiropractic Association: What Is Chiropractic?


October Newsletter: Chiropractic Care to Improve Workplace Ergonomics

Aches and pains don’t have to be an unwelcome consequence of a day at work. Chiropractic care helps you protect your muscles, joints, and tissues and avoid pain and stiffness due to poor ergonomics.

What Is Ergonomics?

The term “ergonomics” refers to designs, products, and strategies that reduce strain and injuries in the workplace. If you’ve ever come home from a long day at work with a headache or achy back, chances are the furniture or devices you use aren’t ergonomically designed.

Chairs that don’t offer lumbar support can lead to back pain, while a desk that’s too low can cause you to hunch your shoulders while you work, triggering neck, shoulder, and back pain. Hand or wrist pain could become a problem if you don’t have enough support for your wrists when you bang out a report on your laptop or desktop computer.

With more employees than ever working at home, it’s not surprising that so many people suffer from ergonomic issues. Do you work from your couch or the kitchen table? Your furniture wasn’t intended to support your body while you work and could be the reason that you feel achy and exhausted at the end of the day.

What Can Be Done to Improve Ergonomics?

During your visit to the chiropractic office, your chiropractor may ask a few questions about your work habits and furniture and make a few suggestions that will improve your workplace ergonomics. Depending on your symptoms, recommendations may include:

  • Changing Your Desk. Are your forearms parallel to your desk when you write or type? If not, you may be at risk for developing back or neck pain or carpal tunnel syndrome. Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when a nerve that passes through the hand and arm becomes compressed. If you can’t swap out your desk, raising your chair and using a footrest will help keep your arms level.
  • Choosing the Right Chair. Chairs are a common a source of back, hip, and leg pain, according to Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. Adjust the height of your chair if your feet aren’t flat against the floor. Your chair should also support your back and offer ample cushioning and armrests.
  • Taking a Look at Tech. Neck pain can be a problem if your monitor is higher than eye level. Glare from screens can cause headaches and migraines, in addition to neck and shoulder pain. Place your monitor away from light sources and using a monitor hood or shade to decrease glare.
  • Using Helpful Devices. Anti-fatigue foot mats reduce pain and fatigue in your legs and spine. Wrist supports keep your wrists properly aligned, while keyboard trays position your keyboard at the optimum height.

Making adjustments to your furniture and devices, while extremely helpful, may not completely eliminate your aches and pains. Luckily, your chiropractor can help you by:

  • Realigning Your Spine. Poor posture and strain may move the bony vertebrae in your back out of alignment. Misalignments, or subluxations, cause back and neck pain and fatigue. Your chiropractor realigns the vertebrae with spinal manipulation therapy. Quick, hands-on movements improve the position of the vertebrae, easing your symptoms. When your spine is correctly aligned, you’re less likely to experience strains, sprains, and other injuries.
  • Loosening Tight Tissues. Your muscles and tissues become painfully tight when you maintain awkward positions for too long. Unfortunately, tight tissues may pull your vertebrae out of alignment and cause subluxations. Soft tissue manipulation and mobilization therapies loosen tight muscles, tendons, and ligaments, easing pain, improving flexibility, and reducing your risk for subluxations.
  • Improving Posture. It’s difficult to maintain good posture when your vertebrae are misaligned and your tissues are tight. Unfortunately, poor posture only makes joint and tissue pain worse. Chiropractic care helps you improve your posture and keep your body properly balanced. Your chiropractor can also offer posture suggestions and recommend exercises that strengthen the core muscles essential for good posture.
  • Treating Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Carpal tunnel syndrome doesn’t just affect office workers. They can also be a problem if you drive a truck, use vibrating tools, or do work that requires repetitive hand motions. Your chiropractor treats carpal tunnel syndrome by using manipulation and mobilization therapies to improve the alignment of ligaments, tendons, and bones in your wrist. Other helpful therapies include massage and ultrasound.

Is your job literally a pain in the neck? Give us a call to schedule an appointment with the chiropractor.


Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine: Workplace Ergonomics and Safety: Tips, Equipment, and Examples, 6/9/2023


American Chiropractic Association: Maintaining Good Posture


MedlinePlus: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


September Newsletter: Chiropractic Care for Tendinitis

Pain becomes a constant part of your life when you’re suffering from tennis elbow, Achilles tendinitis, swimmer’s shoulder, or any other form of tendinitis. Chiropractic care offers an effective way to ease pain, tenderness, and swelling during your recovery.

What Is Tendinitis?

Tendons are strong cords of tissue that connect muscles to bones. Your tendons help your muscles move your bones and absorb shock when you move. Tendinitis occurs when the tendons become inflamed. Although tendons are flexible when you’re young, they stiffen and weaken as you grow older. Unfortunately, this may mean they become inflamed more easily.

Tendinitis can affect tendons anywhere in your body, causing pain that may last several weeks. Although the injury often affects athletes, anyone can develop tendinitis. Participating in activities that involve repetitive motions, like hitting a ball or running, raises your risk for tendinitis. Other risk factors include poor posture, jobs or sports that require overhead movements, or working with vibrating tools. You might also develop the condition after spending the weekend weeding your overgrown flower beds or swiping your finger across your smartphone.

Tendinitis can also be caused by overuse, which could occur if you exercise too long or too intensely. According to an article in American Family Physician, overuse injuries most often affect the:

  • Rotator Cuff in the Shoulder
  • Elbow
  • Patellar Tendon in the Knee
  • Achilles at the Back of the Heel

Symptoms of tendinitis include:

  • Pain, Which May Worsen at Night or When You Move the Muscle or Joint
  • Warmth, Swelling, and Stiffness
  • Crackling Sound When Moving the Affected Part of Your Body

How Chiropractic Care Eases Tendinitis Symptoms

Your visit to the chiropractor starts with a thorough examination to determine why you have tendinitis. Although you may know that playing golf is the reason your elbow hurts, your chiropractor can determine if a muscle imbalance or other underlying issue is a contributing factor.

Visiting your chiropractor could help you:

  • Relieve Pain. Your chiropractor offers a variety of treatments aimed at easing your pain, including hot and cold therapies, massage, soft tissue mobilization, ultrasound therapy, and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) therapy. Chiropractic treatment prompts your body to release natural painkillers and promotes healing by increasing blood flow.
  • Improve Flexibility. Swelling and inflammation causes stiffness, reducing your range of motion and worsening pain. In addition to massage, soft tissue mobilization, and other treatments, your chiropractor may use spinal manipulation to realign the vertebrae in your spine and reduce stiffness. Misaligned vertebrae can press on nerves and cause muscles and tendons to tighten. Once your vertebrae are correctly aligned, you may notice that flexibility improves.
  • Get Rid of Scar Tissue. Your body reacts to an injury by creating new tissue around the injured area. Although this reaction is certainly helpful initially, scar tissue buildup restricts your movement and triggers pain. Chiropractic treatments break up scar tissue that can limit your flexibility and range of motion.
  • Decrease Inflammation. Inflammation, a major factor in pain and stiffness, can be worsened by misaligned vertebrae. Realigning the vertebrae not only reduces pressure on nerves and tissues but also relieves inflammation. In a research study published in Chiropractic & Manual Therapies, researchers noted that spinal manipulative therapy reduced the production of inflammatory agents in people with low back pain. Although this study focused on low back pain, spinal manipulation could have the same effect on inflammation throughout the body.

During your visit, your chiropractor may also show you a few exercises that will strengthen your muscles, eliminate muscle imbalances, and decrease your risk for developing tendinitis in the future.

Need help managing your tendinitis symptoms? Contact our office to make your appointment for chiropractic treatment.


American Family Physician: Common Overuse Tendon Problems: A Review and Recommendations for Treatment, 2005


Chiropractic & Manual Therapies: Effects of Spinal Manipulative Therapy on Inflammatory Mediators in Patients with Non-Specific Low Back Pain: A Non-Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial, 1/8/2021


Mayo Clinic: Tendinitis, 11/11/2022


Arthritis Foundation: Tendinitis


September Newsletter: How Your Chiropractor Can Help with Chronic Pain

When chronic pain becomes part of your life, it may seem as if your options are limited. Over-the-counter and prescription pain medication only offers short-term relief, while surgery may involve a long recovery period. Fortunately, all-natural chiropractic treatment could help you reduce your reliance on medication or even avoid or delay surgery.

What Is Chronic Pain?

Any type of pain that lasts longer than three months is considered chronic, according to StatPearls. Chances are you know at least a few other people who experience pain every day. In fact, a National Institutes of Health (NIH) research study revealed that more than 20% of Americans suffer from chronic pain.

Chronic pain is typically caused by an injury or illness, although sometimes it occurs for no apparent reason. Once you’re in chronic pain, your symptoms may be difficult to treat. The NIH notes that 61% of Americans still had chronic pain symptoms one year after their symptoms first appeared.

Irritated nerves and inflamed tissues are often triggers for chronic pain. Inflammation helps your body repair itself after an injury or illness. Although inflammation normally subsides as you recover, it may linger in some cases.

Unfortunately, long-term inflammation may mean that your neck still hurts even after you’ve healed from a car accident. Or, inflammation might be the reasons that the symptoms of a chronic condition, like lupus, worsen.

Your nerves also play a part in chronic pain. Even minor pressure on your nerves can irritate them, causing pain in the part of the body they serve. Nerve irritation may be caused by inflamed tissues, pressure from bulging spinal discs, or tight muscles and tissues. Misaligned vertebrae in your spine can also be the source of your pain.

The vertebrae are a series of small bones that protect your spinal nerves. Misalignments of the vertebrae can press on the nerves as they exit the spinal cord. As long as this misalignment, also known as a subluxation, remains, you’ll feel pain.

Should You See a Chiropractor?

Chiropractic care offers hope for many people who’ve been living with chronic pain. It may be helpful in easing symptoms related to:

  • Low Back Pain
  • Neck Pain
  • Knee, Hip, Elbow, and Shoulder Pain
  • Headaches and Migraines
  • Sciatica
  • Herniated Discs
  • Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Shingles
  • Lupus
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Psoriasis
  • Scoliosis
  • Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJ)
  • Gastroesophageal Reflux Disorder (GERD)
  • Plantar Fasciitis

What Do Chiropractors Do to Treat Pain?

Spinal adjustments, a chiropractic treatment used to realign the vertebrae, may be part of your treatment plan. The therapy reduces inflammation and eases pressure on spinal nerves caused by tight tissues or subluxations.

Spinal adjustments also improve blood flow, which is often restricted in painful areas due to inflammation or injury. Blood supplies your body with oxygen and nutrients and removes waste products from your cells. Improving blood flow to injured areas offers a simple way to restore your body’s natural balance and reverse pain.

Your treatment may also include one or more treatments that relieve pain and inflammation, soothe sore tissues, improve flexibility and range of motion, and promote healing, including:

  • Massage
  • Soft Tissue Mobilization
  • Cold and Heat Therapy
  • Ultrasound Therapy
  • Electrical Muscle Stimulation
  • Trigger Point Therapy
  • Traction
  • Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation

Chiropractic care can be helpful even if you’ve experienced chronic pain for years. A case report published in the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine described the benefits of chiropractic treatment for a patient suffering from chronic pain due to a motor vehicle accident. Although the accident occurred three years earlier, the woman still suffered from limited mobility and neck, back, and leg pain. Chiropractic treatment, in addition to weight loss and dietary changes, improved the quality of her life. After one month of treatment, the woman’s pain began to ease, allowing her to decrease the dosage of her opioid pain medication. At six months, she stopped taking the medication and reported better mobility and improved quality of life.

In addition to relieving your chronic pain symptoms, chiropractic care could save you a little money. A comparison published in Healthcare noted that the average total cost of chiropractic treatment was $48.56 less than physical therapy.

Wondering if chiropractic treatment could help you manage your chronic pain? Contact our office to schedule a visit with the chiropractor.


NCBI: StatPearls: Chronic Pain, 7/21/2023


National Institutes of Health: NIH Study Finds High Rates of Persistent Chronic Pain Among US Adults, 5/16/2023


NCBI: Healthcare: Treatment of Patients with Low Back Pain: A Comparison of Physical Therapy and Chiropractic Manipulation, 3/2020


Journal of Chiropractic Medicine: Chiropractic Management of a Patient with Chronic Pain in a Federally Qualified Health Center: A Case Report, 6/14/2018


August Newsletter: Text Neck Syndrome: How Your Chiropractor Can Help

Your neck pain and headaches could be symptoms of text neck, a condition that’s become increasingly common in today’s tech-obsessed world. Easing your pain can be as simple as visiting the chiropractor and changing the way you hold your devices.

Do You Have Text Neck?

Accidents due to distracted walking or driving aren’t the only dangers of texting. Bending your head while you look at your phone stresses the vertebrae and tissues in your neck and may cause chronic pain. Although the condition is called “text” neck, it can occur if you use any type of digital device or participate in activities that require keeping your head bent for long periods.

Your neck is designed to support the weight of your head in an upright position. Bending your head at a 45- to 60-degree angle puts 50 to 60 pounds of stress on the neck, rather than the usual 10 pounds, according to SPINE-Health.

Text next can affect anyone and may cause symptoms after just a few hours. If you keep your head bent while you text or work, you may experience these symptoms:

  • Neck Pain
  • Frequent Headaches
  • Muscle Stiffness and Spasms in Your Neck, Shoulder and Back Muscles
  • Pain Between the Shoulder Blades or in the Back, Jaw, Arm or Hand
  • Numbness and Tingling in Your Arm and Hand
  • Posture Changes and Balance Problems

Pain isn’t the only problem you may notice if you have text neck. Stress and strain could damage the discs that cushion the bony vertebrae in your neck and back. These rubbery discs absorb shock and help you move and change position easily. If one or more spinal discs bulge or rupture, your pain may increase.

Bulging or ruptured discs may pinch the nerves that travel from your neck to your arm and hand. Symptoms of a pinched include pain that travels from your neck to your arm and hand, tingling in your hand and fingers, and weak shoulder, hand, and arm muscles.

A pinched nerve may also occur due to a subluxation. Subluxations happen when one or more vertebrae move out of their normal position due to increased strain on your neck. In addition to causing spinal misalignments, subluxations tighten tissues around the nerves, which can also cause pain.

If you ignore your text neck symptoms and don’t change your habits, you may develop arthritis or bone spurs in your neck. Unfortunately, these conditions will only worsen your pain. Eventually, your upper back may become hunched due to permanent changes to your spine.

How Can My Chiropractor Relieve My Symptoms?

Turning to your chiropractor is a smart decision if you think you may have text neck. These healthcare practitioners specialize in treating conditions that affect the spine, joints, and soft tissues. Your chiropractor offers several treatments that relieve text neck symptoms, including:

  • Massage. Massage loosens tight muscles and tissues in the neck, shoulders and upper back, easing pain. Natural pain relievers released during a massage enhance the effect and help you feel relaxed.
  • Spinal Manipulation. Your chiropractor may perform spinal manipulation therapy if you have subluxations. Although people often refer to this treatment as “cracking” the neck, there’s no cracking involved. Using quick movements, your chiropractor repositions misaligned vertebrae. Once everything’s positioned correctly, tight muscles and tissues loosen and flexibility and range of motion improve. Inflammation, a key component in pain, also decreases after spinal manipulation.
  • Exercises. The muscles in your neck, shoulders, and upper back help you keep your head upright. Text neck weakens those muscles, making it difficult to maintain proper posture. During your visit, your chiropractor will show you a few exercises that will strengthen your muscles and prevent text neck symptoms from recurring.

What Can I Do to Prevent New Symptoms?

Keep these tips in mind when you use your digital devices:

  • Raise Your Phone. Hold your phone at eye level rather than in your lap or on a table or desk. A cellphone holder makes it easier to keep your phone at eye level.
  • Take Frequent Breaks. Get up and stretch for a minute or two after you’ve been using your phone or device for a half-hour.
  • Buy a New Chair. New York-Presbyterian recommends using an office chair that reclines 25 to 30 degrees. This position reduces stress on the neck and stops slouching.

Don’t let text neck cause permanent changes to your spine. Contact our office to schedule an appointment with the chiropractor.


SPINE-Health: How Does Text Neck Cause Pain?, 10/26/2018


New York-Presbyterian: How to Prevent ‘Tech Neck”


The Alabama State Chiropractic Association: Tech Neck/Text Neck


WebMD: What to Know About “Text Neck,”10/12/2022


August Newsletter: Chiropractic Care for Autoimmune Diseases

Are you struggling to control your autoimmune disease? Chiropractic care could improve your quality of life and ease a variety of disease symptoms.

Autoimmune Diseases Chiropractors Help Manage

Although chiropractic treatment can’t cure autoimmune diseases, visits to your chiropractor can reduce symptoms and improve your comfort.

A visit to the chiropractor may be a good idea if you have these or other autoimmune diseases:

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Lupus
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Type I Diabetes
  • Guillain-Barre Syndrome
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Psoriasis

Chiropractic Treatment Relieves Inflammation and Nerve Pressure

Chronic inflammation can be a contributing factor in pain and other symptoms of autoimmune diseases. For example, researchers discovered that people with Type 1 diabetes have inflammation in the gut and digestive tract, according to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology

Inflammation can also be a factor in multiple sclerosis, lupus, inflammatory bowel disease, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, and other diseases. Chronic inflammation may cause symptom flare-ups and eventually damage your cells and tissues. Depending on where the inflammation is located, you may experience swollen, painful joints and muscles, fatigue, high blood pressure, canker sores, stiff muscles and joints, fever, rashes, or weight gain.

You may be more likely to develop inflammation if misaligned vertebrae in your spine press on your nerves. These misalignments, called subluxations, could interfere with the transmission of nerve signals. Interruption of nerve signals could cause or worsen inflammation, trigger pain, and affect the normal function of the immune system.

Spinal manipulation corrects subluxations and reduces inflammation without the side effects medications can cause. As you lie on a comfortable table, your chiropractor uses quick, targeted movements to realign your spine during this treatment.

Other treatments that relieve inflammation include massage, soft tissue inflammation, and ultrasound therapy. Ultrasound isn’t just a diagnostic tool. When used therapeutically, ultrasound waves penetrate your deep tissues, relieving pain and reducing inflammation, while speeding healing. In a study published in the Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology, therapeutic ultrasound treatment reduced swelling and sensitivity to pain in mice. Luckily, you don’t have to be a mouse to experience the pain-relieving benefits of ultrasound therapy.

Flexibility and Range of Motion May Improve with Chiropractic Treatment

Your muscles tend to tighten when you’re in pain, limiting your ability to move your limbs and body freely. If your muscles remain tight, you may eventually develop trigger points, painful knots in muscle fibers. Tight muscles can also affect your posture or change your gait, increasing your risk for balance problems and injuries.

Subluxations increase stress on muscles and tissues, causing them to tighten. Spinal manipulation not only improves spinal alignment, but also loosens tight tissues, relieves stiffness, and improves flexibility and range of motion.

Feeling Stressed? Chiropractic Care Can Help

It’s only natural to feel stressed if you live with an autoimmune disease. Chiropractic treatments like spinal manipulation and massage can ease anxiety and help you feel calmer. During treatments, your body releases serotonin, endorphins, and dopamine. These natural hormones relieve pain and offer mood-enhancing benefits.

Your Chiropractor Can Help You Manage Your Condition with Nutritional Advice

Your body’s organs, nerves, cells, and tissues work best when you eat a healthy diet. Your chiropractor can recommend dietary changes that could help you keep your blood sugar under control if you have diabetes or prevent flare-ups if you have inflammatory bowel disease. In addition to offering diet suggestions, your chiropractor can also recommend an exercise program that will ease pain and relief stiffness and swelling.

Ready to schedule a visit with the chiropractor? Contact our office to arrange your visit.


Endocrine Society: Type I Diabetes Linked to Gut Inflammation, Bacteria, 1/19/2017


Science Direct: Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology: Therapeutic Ultrasound Ameliorates Hyperalgesia and Edema on CFA-Induced Persistent Inflammatory Response in Mice, 9/6/2022


WebMD: Body Work: Acupuncture, Massage Therapy, Chiropractic and Other Treatments for Lupus, 6/15/2022


National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences: Autoimmune Diseases


Chiropractic Economics: Adding the Management of Diabetes and Prediabetes to Your Practice, 2/26/2018


July Newsletter: How Your Chiropractor Can Help Relieve Migraines

Even one migraine is one too many. Unfortunately, over-the-counter painkillers often aren’t strong enough to dull the pain. Prescription pain medication may be more helpful, but these drugs can cause unpleasant side effects. If you’re struggling to manage your migraines, chiropractic treatment could ease your pain and reduce the number of days you experience migraine pain.

Treating Migraines with Chiropractic

Migraines cause 113 million lost work days every year, according to the American Headache Association. If you have migraines, that statistic probably doesn’t seem surprising. After all, it’s hard to do your job when your head throbs and you feel dizzy and nauseated.

Do you regularly spend hours hidden away in a dark room, hoping your headache will finally end? Chiropractic care could ease your pain and allow you to enjoy life once again. Although you may associate chiropractic care with joint and back pain relief, chiropractors actually treat a variety of conditions, including migraines.

Your chiropractor may include a few of these therapies in your migraine treatment plan:

  • Massage. Massage loosens tight muscles in your head and neck that could worsen your symptoms. The therapy also reduces pain by prompting your body to produce hormones that ease pain naturally. Is stress one of your migraine triggers? The same hormones that reduce migraine pain during massage also help you feel calm and relaxed.
  • Soft Tissue Mobilization. During soft tissue mobilization, your chiropractor uses his or her hands or a small instrument to stretch and lengthen tissues, reduce inflammation and swelling, and ease tension in your head, neck, and upper back muscles.
  • Trigger Point Therapy. Painful trigger points are common in people who have migraines. Pressing on these hard knots in the muscles can even trigger a migraine, according to a review article in the Journal of Headache and Pain. Applying pressure to trigger points relaxes muscle fibers and helps knots dissolve, in addition to improving blood flow. Increasing blood flow helps your body get rid of waste products that build up when muscles become tight. According to a systematic review in Frontiers in Neurology, trigger point therapy may decrease the duration, intensity, and frequency of migraines and tension headaches, although additional research is needed.
  • Spinal Manipulation. Spinal manipulation corrects subluxations. These are misalignments of the vertebrae in your back or neck. Quick thrusts with the hands or an activator realign the vertebrae, decreasing pain and inflammation. Spinal manipulation also decreases pressure on nerves and relieves irritation that can cause pain. Neck pain and stiffness are common in people who have migraines. According to a study published in The Journal of Headache and Pain, 69% of migraine patients have neck pain during a migraine. The researchers noted that preventing and treating neck pain might help prevent future chronic migraines.
  • Exercise Program. Improving your posture and strengthening the muscles in your neck and back might also help improve your migraine symptoms. Your chiropractor will teach you a few exercises that will keep the muscles loose and limber.
  • Nutrition Advice. In some cases, certain foods can trigger migraines. If you suspect that your diet is a migraine trigger, your chiropractor can provide nutritional advice that will help you improve your diet.

Would you like to find out if chiropractic care could help your migraines? Contact our office to schedule an appointment.


American Headache Society: The Impact of Migraine in the Workplace


Frontiers in Neurology: Effectiveness of Trigger Point Manual Treatment on the Frequency, Intensity and Duration of Attacks in Primary Headaches: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials, 4/28/2018


The Journal of Headache and Pain: Myofascial Trigger Points in Migraine and Tension-Type Headache, 9/10/2018

Canadian Chiropractic Association: 6 Ways Chiropractic Care Can Help Manage Headaches, 6/1/2022


The Journal of Headache and Pain: Neck Pain in Episodic Migraine: Premonitory Symptom or Part of the Attack, 9/2/2015


MedlinePlus: Migraines



July Newsletter: How Chiropractic Care Can Treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Splints, medication, and surgery aren’t the only ways to treat carpal tunnel syndrome. Chiropractic treatment offers an effective solution if you’re struggling with pain, tingling, numbness, or weakness in your hand, wrist, and fingers.

Why Treating Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Is So Important

Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by pressure on the median nerve. This nerve travels the length of your arm and sends signals from your brain to the muscles in your arm, hand, and fingers. These signals tell the muscles how to move when you need to grip a pen, lift a bag, or turn a doorknob.

The median nerve passes through the carpal tunnel, a pathway formed by the bones and tissues in your wrist. The already narrow tunnel can become even tighter due to injuries, fluid retention, chronic health conditions that affect the nerves, or inflammation of the tissues in or around the pathway. Although anyone can develop carpal tunnel syndrome, women are more likely to experience symptoms due to the smaller size of their bones. Your hobbies or occupation may also increase your risk. People who bend their wrists repeatedly when typing, driving, hammering, sewing, painting, or texting have a higher incidence of carpal tunnel syndrome.

If the condition isn’t treated promptly, numbness, tingling, weakness, and pain may worsen and nerve damage could occur. Carpal tunnel syndrome can eventually cause permanent weakness and loss of feeling in your fingers, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.

What Your Chiropractor Can Do to Relieve Your Carpal Tunnel Symptoms

Chiropractors offer several treatments and strategies that may ease your symptoms, including:

  • Wrist Manipulation (Adjustment) and Mobilization. Your chiropractor uses these hands-on techniques to realign the bones, tendons, and ligaments in your wrist and improve movement. The treatments improve blood flow to soft tissues and reduce pressure, swelling, and inflammation. In an anatomical study published in Clinical Biomechanics, mobilization treatment increased the size of the carpal tunnel and decreased pressure on the median nerve.
  • Spinal Manipulation. Do you have a stiff or sore neck in addition to your carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms? The source of your symptoms may be a misaligned cervical (neck) vertebra. The out-of-place vertebra might be pressing on a nerve in the neck that connects with the median nerve. A misaligned vertebra could cause pain and make it difficult to move your neck. In fact, restricted neck movement was a factor in mild to severe carpal tunnel syndrome in a research study published in the Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. Chiropractors use spinal manipulation to correct alignment problems in your neck and relieve pressure on your nerves. The treatment involves quick, hands-on thrusts that improve the position of the vertebrae, relieve painful pressure on tissues and nerves, and improve blood flow.
  • Ultrasound Therapy. Ultrasound waves heat the tissues deep inside your wrists during this helpful therapy. The treatment loosens tissues and relieves pain, inflammation and swelling.
  • Massage Therapy. Tight tissues in your wrist, hand, arm, shoulder, or neck could be worsening your carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms. Massage eases muscle tension, decreases inflammation, and may relieve pain, numbness, and tingling.
  • Taping or Bracing. Bracing or taping supports the wrist and prevents you from accidentally bending or stressing them.
  • Exercise. During your visit, your chiropractor may teach you a few wrist exercises that stretch your muscles, decrease pressure on the median nerve, and help the tendons that connect muscles to the bones in your wrist glide through carpal tunnel easily. You may also learn a few exercises to improve the range of motion of your neck, strengthen your neck muscles, and improve your posture and head position. Holding your head too far forward can strain your neck and cause spinal misalignments that could press on nerves.

Are you ready to find out if chiropractic care can help your carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms? Contact our office to schedule your appointment.


American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, 3/2022


Clinical Biomechanics: Dimensional Changes of the Tunnel and Median Nerve During Manual Mobilization of the Carpal Bones – Anatomical Study, 9/3/2018


Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy: Women With Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Show Restricted Cervical Range of Motion, 5/2011


MedlinePlus: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


June Newsletter: Chiropractic Care for Whiplash

Neck pain and stiffness after a motor vehicle accident or fall could be signs of whiplash, an injury that affects the soft tissues in the neck. Without prompt treatment, symptoms could last weeks, months, or even years. Fortunately, your chiropractor offers several treatments designed to improve whiplash pain.

What Causes Whiplash?

Whiplash happens during a motor vehicle accident when your head jerks back and forth. Any act that causes your head to “whip” back and forth violently can result in whiplash. You could develop whiplash if you ride a roller coaster, fall when skiing, or if you are tackled or fall when playing sports.

As your head moves back and forth, several things happen to your neck. First, muscles in your neck become strained as they’re pushed past their limits. The sudden movements may also change the alignment of the vertebrae in your neck and back, in addition to straining ligaments that connect bones together and tendons that attach muscles to bones.

Whiplash is a common injury. According to an analysis of crash and hospital data in Accident Analysis and Prevention in 2020, more than 1.2 million people experience whiplash every year.

What Are the Symptoms of Whiplash?

Whiplash symptoms don’t always start immediately, but may start hours or days after your injury. Symptoms may include:

  • Neck Pain
  • Shoulder and Upper Back Pain
  • Headache
  • Stiff Neck
  • Reduced Range of Motion in Your Neck
  • Dizziness
  • Numbness or Tingling That Travels to the Shoulder, Arm or Hand
  • Blurred Vision
  • Ringing in the Ears
  • Abnormal Fatigue
  • Difficulty Concentrating
  • Irritability
  • Trouble Sleeping

Chiropractic Treatments Ease Whiplash Symptoms

Your chiropractor offers natural, drug-free methods that soothe sore tissues and realign the vertebrae in your neck. Therapies that might be included in your whiplash treatment plan include:

  • Soft Tissue Mobilization. Your muscles tighten in an attempt to protect your joints, vertebrae, ligaments, and tendons when an injury happens. Unfortunately, the muscles don’t always relax on their own, which can lead to pain and stiffness. During soft tissue mobilization, your chiropractor uses his or her hands to gently stretch and loosen the muscles and soft tissues. As the treatment progresses, your doctor varies the pressure and the length of the strokes depending on the resistance encountered. In addition to relieving muscle tension and improving range of motion, soft tissue mobilization reduces muscle spasms and breaks up scar tissue. Although scar tissue is essential for injury repair, it may cause or worsen pain and stiffness.
  • Spinal Manipulation. Spinal manipulation repositions misaligned vertebrae in your neck and back. In addition to causing neck pain, subluxations pull on muscles and soft tissues, increasing muscle tension and soreness. Correcting the misalignment loosens soft tissues and decreases painful pressure on nerves. Your chiropractor uses his or her hands or an activator to quickly realign the vertebrae during spinal manipulation. The treatment decreases pain, improves range of motion, and may reduce the production of proteins involved in inflammation.
  • Massage. Massage may also be part of your treatment plan. The therapy improves circulation to your neck and decreases pain by relaxing tight tissues. As your chiropractor massages painful tissues, your body increases its production of endorphins, serotonin, and oxytocin.
  • Other Therapies. Ultrasound therapy may be used to decrease inflammation and ease pain and stiffness. The Graston Technique, a type of instrument-assisted therapy, breaks apart scar tissue and loosens tight muscles and soft tissues. If your pain is due to a bulging spinal disc, your chiropractor may use flexion-distraction to reduce pressure on your nerves.

Are you struggling with whiplash pain? Chiropractic care could help you get back to normal. Call our office to schedule your appointment.


SpineUniverse: Best Practice Guidelines for Chiropractic Care of Neck Pain and Whiplash Disorders, 2/6/20


SPINE-Health: Whiplash Symptoms and Associated Disorders, 4/18/2017


Science Direct: Accident Analysis & Prevention: Estimating the Number of Crash-Related Cervical Spine Injuries in the United States; an Analysis and Comparison of National Crash and Hospital Date, 7/2020


Mayo Clinic: Whiplash, 2/11/2022


June Newsletter: How Your Chiropractor Can Help with Knee Pain

Wondering what you can do about your knee pain? Whether your symptoms are recent or you’re suffering from chronic pain, all-natural chiropractic care can relieve your symptoms and improve your mobility.

Why Visiting the Chiropractor Is a Must if You Have Knee Pain

So many things you do depend on strong, healthy knees. Climbing stairs, bending to pick up a fallen fork, or even sliding behind the driver’s seat of your car become painful and difficult when your knees are sore and stiff.

Although knee pain occurs for many reasons, arthritis is a common cause. Knee osteoarthritis cases have doubled since the middle of the last century, according to a 2017 research article in PNAS. The article’s authors believe that the increase in knee arthritis could be happening because people today live longer and weigh more.

Other causes of knee pain include:

  • Meniscus Tears
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Torn Anterior Cruciate Ligament
  • Runner’s Knee
  • Tendinitis
  • Bursitis
  • Osgood-Schlatter Disease
  • Iliotibial Band Syndrome
  • Flat Feet or Excessive Pronation

Knee pain isn’t always due to an injury or arthritis. A subluxation (misalignment of the vertebrae in your spine) could be the reason why your knee hurts. Subluxations in your back can lead to misalignments of the bones and joints in your hip and legs. You might have a subluxation if you have both back and knee pain, or you notice tight hamstring muscles or weak muscles in your hips or thighs. Back pain might also cause you to change the way you walk, which could affect your knees and the muscles that support them.

Your chiropractor offers a variety treatments that may relieve your pain, including:

  • Ice. Inflammation, stiffness, and swelling are common in knee conditions ranging from arthritis to sports injuries to meniscus injuries. Icing your knee offers a simple way to reduce inflammation, pain, swelling, and stiffness. Your chiropractor may apply ice for a few minutes before beginning other treatments.
  • Joint Manipulation. Applying gentle pressure to the knee realigns the joint while reducing pain and improving your ability to move your knee.
  • Massage and Soft Tissue Mobilization. The muscles that support your knee can become tight and painful if you have a knee condition or injury. Massage and soft tissue mobilization loosen and stretch tight muscles, improving mobility and reducing pain. These therapies are also helpful in treating painful muscle spasms in the muscles surrounding your knee and improving blood flow. During soft tissue treatment, your body releases hormones that ease pain and help you feel more relaxed. Massage therapy improved pain and range of motion in people with knee osteoarthritis in a 2012 study published in PLoS One.
  • Electrical Muscle Stimulation. Electrodes attached to your knee carry a mild electrical current that strengthens the muscles around the knee, blocks pain signals from reaching your brain, reduces inflammation, and increases the production of endorphins.
  • Spinal Manipulation. Spinal manipulation treatments correct subluxations in your spine. Your chiropractor uses quick thrusts from his or her hands or an activator to restore normal spinal alignment. Once your spine is properly aligned, you may begin to notice less pain in your back and knees. Spinal manipulation also loosens tight muscles and tissues that may pull on your knee.
  • Ultrasound Therapy. Ultrasound waves heat the deep tissues in your knee, reducing inflammation and pain, while speeding healing.
  • Orthotics. Flat feet or excessive pronation, a condition that happens when your feet turn in too much when you walk and stand, could be to blame for your knee pain. Wearing orthotics, shoe inserts designed by your chiropractor, can help. The inserts support your arches and keep the bones in your legs properly aligned.
  • Trigger Point Therapy. This therapy releases tight muscle fibers that cause painful knots in your muscles. Applying pressure to the knots breaks up the fibers in the trigger point. Massage and dry needling are other techniques your chiropractor may use to relieve trigger points. Dry needling involves placing thin needles into the trigger point to release it.
  • Exercises. Your chiropractor may recommend exercises that will help you improve your range of motion and keep the muscles in your legs strong and flexible.

Are you tired of living with knee pain? A visit to the chiropractor could improve your comfort. Give our office a call to schedule your appointment with the chiropractor.


PNAS: Knee osteoarthritis has doubled in prevalence since the mid-20th century, 7/12/2017


PLoS One: Massage Therapy for Osteoarthritis of the Knee: a Randomized Dose-Finding Trial, 2/8/2018


Arthritis Foundation: Chiropractic Care for Arthritis


Medical News Today: What Causes and Links Lower Back and Knee Pain?, 3/31/2023


Arthritis Foundation: Change the Way You Walk to Ease Knee Pain with Osteoarthritis, 1/4/2017


May Newsletter: Your Chiropractor Can Help You Recover from Sports Injuries

Do the days seem to drag on when an injury prevents you from participating in your favorite sport or activity? If you don’t want to spend a minute more than necessary on the sidelines, consider paying a visit to your chiropractor. In addition to easing pain and stiffness, chiropractic treatments can reduce your recovery time.

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Sports Injuries

When you make chiropractic part of your recovery, you’ll enjoy these advantages:

  • Pain Reduction. Injuries and falls often cause subluxations, which occur when the vertebrae in your spine become misaligned. Subluxations can press on nerves and tissues, causing pain. Spinal manipulation, one of the treatments offered by your chiropractor, realigns your spine and relieves this pressure. Once pressure on the nerves or tissues eases, pain decreases. During spinal manipulation treatment, your doctor uses an activator or hands-on pressure to quickly realign your spine.
  • Less Stiffness. Stiffness in the joints, muscles, and soft tissues is a common complaint after a sports injury. Chiropractic treatments relieve stiffness, while decreasing muscle spasms and loosening painful knots. Spinal manipulation increases flexibility and range of motion, making it easier to move without pain. Soft tissue treatments, like massage and soft tissue mobilization, loosen tight tissues. As tissues loosen, pain decreases and flexibility and range of motion improves.
  • Reduction in Scar Tissue. Scar tissue forms when your body attempts to repair itself after an injury. Although this process is helpful initially, scar tissue buildup can limit your range of motion and cause pain and stiffness. Chiropractic treatments break apart scar tissue and help you get back to normal more quickly.
  • Faster Healing. Proper blood flow to the injured area is essential for healing. Your blood carries white blood cells, oxygen, and other nutrients essential for healing. Spinal manipulation, massage, ultrasound therapy, and other treatments increase blood flow to the injured area, speeding healing.
  • Less Inflammation. Inflammation is an important part of your body’s response to an injury. Unfortunately, tissues become painful and stiff if inflammation continues for too long. In a study on low back pain and chiropractic, chiropractic treatments had a moderating effect on substances involved in inflammation. Patients received spinal manipulation treatments during the study, which appeared in Chiropractic & Manual Therapies in 2021.
  • Reduced Reliance on Pain Medication. When you’re in pain, popping an over-the-counter or prescription pain medication might seem like the easiest way to treat pain. Although the medication does ease the pain, it will return in just a few hours after the medication wears off. Chiropractic treats the source of your pain, preventing symptoms from recurring. Treatments also activate your body’s natural pain control system and increase production of endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine. These hormones relieve pain naturally while also improving your mood.

Regular Chiropractic Care Helps You Reduce Your Risk of Sports Injuries

Are you worried about reinjury after you recover from your initial injury? Chiropractic treatment not only treats your current injuries, but also helps you avoid new ones. When your spine is properly aligned and your tissues are loose and flexible, you’re less likely to become injured.

Good spinal alignment is essential for body symmetry. Subluxations affect your body’s balance and may cause weakness in opposing muscles. If this happens, you’re more likely to lose your balance and hurt yourself when you’re defending the goal or trying to shag a fly ball. Subluxations may also increase your risk of injury by changing your gait, the way you walk and run. Fortunately, periodic spinal manipulation treatment will improve your symmetry and balance.

It’s not unusual to feel a little sluggish after you’ve been sidelined for a few weeks or months. Chiropractic just may help you get up to speed more quickly. According to a study published in Trials Journal in 2019, chiropractic treatment improves reaction time. Military personnel who participated in one chiropractic manipulative therapy session completed a whole-body motor task faster than other soldiers who received no treatments.

Whether you recently experienced a sports injury or want to avoid getting hurt, chiropractic is an excellent addition to your sports regimen. Ready to get started? Contact our office to schedule your appointment with the chiropractor.


Chiropractic & Manual Therapies: Effects of Spinal Manipulative Therapy on Inflammatory Mediators in Patients with Non-Specific Low Back Pain: a Non-Randomized Controlled Clinic Trial, 1/8/2021


Trials Journal: Effect of Chiropractic Manipulative Therapy on Reaction Time in Special Operations Forces Military Personnel: A Randomized Controlled Study, 1/3/2019


National University of Health Sciences: Everything You Need to Know About Chiropractic Medicine for Athletes, 6/12/2020


May Newsletter: Is Your Spine Ready for Summer?

You may be ready to welcome summer, but is your back? Taking a few precautions now, such as visiting your chiropractor, will help you ensure you’re ready to experience all the fun the season offers.

Is Your Spine Properly Aligned? If Not, You May Be at Risk for Back Pain

Summer is the perfect time to try a new hobby or sport, transform your yard into a gardener’s paradise, or brush up on your tennis skills. Unfortunately, the summer activities you enjoy can spell trouble for your back, particularly if you haven’t been very active during the winter.

Although injuries rise during the entire summer, hospitals see a sharp increase in emergency room visits on July 4 and 5, according to the Pew Research Center. Some of the visits are due to firework injuries, but sports- and exercise-related injuries and falls also bring people to the emergency room.

It’s impossible to completely prevent injuries, but you can reduce your risk of back pain if your spine is properly aligned. Inactivity, poor posture, falls, sports injuries, and even stress can cause subluxations in your spine. Subluxations occur when one or more vertebrae become misaligned. The vertebrae are the small hollow bones that protect your spinal cord and allow you to stand upright and bend, twist, and move easily.

Back pain and stiffness are common symptoms of subluxations, but they’re not the only problems a misaligned vertebra can cause. Subluxations can:

  • Press on Nerves in your Back, Causing or Increasing Pain in Your Back, Neck, Buttocks, or Legs
  • Painfully Tighten Muscles, Ligaments, and Tendons
  • Trigger Muscle Spasms
  • Change Your Gait
  • Interfere with the Normal Function of Your Organs Due to Pressure on the Nerves
  • Affect Your Body’s Natural Balance, Causing One Side to Become Weaker than the Other
  • Cause Headaches or Fatigue

Unfortunately, it’s easier to hurt your back when you’re weeding the flower bed or playing a pickup game of softball at a family picnic if you have a subluxation. If your spine isn’t properly aligned, you may be more likely to strain the muscles in your back, sprain the ligaments that hold the bones in a joint together, or injure a spinal disc.

A disc herniation could also spell trouble for your spine. Spinal discs absorb shock and give the spine its flexibility. If these discs begin to bulge, or they rupture and the gel inside the disc oozes out, you may experience pain, weakness, numbness, and tingling in your back, legs, or arms. Discs begin to deteriorate due to age-related wear and tear or injuries. Fortunately, chiropractic treatment can relieve painful pressure on your spinal discs.

How to Prepare Your Back for Summer Activities

Protect your back by following these tips:

  • Visit Your Chiropractor. Correcting subluxations and loosening tight muscles and tissues before you become more active is the simplest way to prevent back pain. Chiropractors correct subluxations with spinal manipulation, a treatment that realigns the spine with quick thrusts. In a low back pain study conducted on members of the military, participants who received chiropractic care in addition to usual medical treatment showed more improvement in pain and function than those who only received medication or physical therapy. The study was published in the May 2018 issues of JAMA Network Open. Chiropractors also offer other helpful treatments for back pain, including massage, soft tissue mobilization, electrical nerve stimulation, traction, flexion-distraction, and ultrasound therapy.
  • Stretch: Stretching before any activity is a must. A few minutes of stretching increases your flexibility and range of motion, improves circulation to your muscles and tissues, and loosens tight muscles. Combine stretching with exercises that strengthen the muscles in your core. When your core is strong, you’re less likely to experience injuries that cause back pain.
  • Be Smart: Is it really a good idea to show your kids your most amazing skateboard tricks when you haven’t been on a skateboard in 15 years? Should you lift that heavy branch by yourself instead of waiting for help?

Don’t let back pain ruin your summer. Call the chiropractor today to schedule your visit.


Pew Research Center: Hospital Emergency Rooms See Boom in Patients Around the Fourth of July, 7/3/2019


JAMA Network Open: Innovating to Improve Care for Low Back Pain in the Military, 5/18/2018


National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health: Spinal Manipulation: What You Need To Know, 9/2022


MedlinePlus: Chiropractic Care for Back Pain, 7/8/2021


April Newsletter: Chiropractic Can Help You Stay Fit as You Age

It’s no secret that an active lifestyle can help you stay healthier as you get older. In fact, vigorous exercise performed just 15 – 20 minutes per week decreased the risk of death by 16 – 40% in a research study published in the European Heart Journal. Luckily, chiropractic will help you keep your muscles and joints limber and ready for your favorite type of exercise.

Worried About Falls? Chiropractic Helps You Keep Your Balance

Good balance is important whether you’re running, playing pickleball, or participating in a dance class. Even a walk around the neighborhood can become dangerous if you step on a rock and can’t keep your balance.

As you get older, balance can be affected by weaker muscles and declining bone strength. Subluxations, misalignments in the vertebrae that make up your spine, can also cause balance problems. A subluxation can affect the mobility of your joints and increase tension in your muscles, ligaments, and tendons. If you have any of these issues, a slight wobble or misstep could turn into a nasty fall.

Many people have subluxations, but don’t realize it. In fact, poor posture is a common cause of misalignments. It’s easy to forget about posture basics whether you’re walking, driving, or hurrying to finish a project at work. Over time, posture issues can pull your vertebrae out of alignment. Headaches, stiffness, tenderness, sore muscles and joints, or difficulty moving your joints easily may mean you have a subluxation.

Spinal manipulation, a key chiropractic treatment, corrects subluxation and may also improve your balance and the stability of your joints. During spinal manipulation, quick thrusts performed with the hands or an activator realign your vertebrae. Correcting subluxation eases pain, loosens muscles and tissues, and relieves pressure on nerves, in addition to improving your body’s natural balance.

Concerned About Exercise Injuries? Chiropractic Can Lower Your Risk

Although exercise is important throughout your life, it comes with certain challenges as you get older. Tendons, ligaments, and tissues stiffen with age, increasing your risk of conditions ranging from sprains to knee injuries to Achilles tendon tears.

If your joints and tissues are tight, you’re more likely to experience a workout-related injury. Spinal manipulation, massage, soft tissue mobilization, flexion-distraction, and other chiropractic treatments keep your tissues flexible and lower your risk of strains, sprains, and other injuries.

Improving Your Range of Motion with Chiropractic Offers Fitness Benefits

Subluxations and tight tissues prevent your joints from moving freely. As a result, your tennis or golf swing may suffer, or you may notice it’s harder to perform yoga poses or extend your arms fully when swimming. Regular visits to the chiropractor help you avoid range of motion problems that can affect your performance and lead to injuries.

Chiropractic Eases Pain Before and After Exercise

When you’re in pain, exercising is probably the last thing you want to do. Unfortunately, pain and stiffness are more likely to occur with exercise as you get older.

Chiropractic treatments relieve joint, muscle and tissue pain, making exercise more enjoyable. Visiting your chiropractor after a marathon, golf tournament, or busy weekend ensures that subluxations are corrected before they can cause muscle or joint pain.

In addition to realigning your spine and loosening tight tissues, chiropractic treatments trigger the release of endorphins and serotonin. These hormones naturally decrease pain and also enhance relaxation and your sense of well-being.

Are you ready to add chiropractic care to your exercise routine? Contact our office to schedule your appointment.


Oxford Academic: European Heart Journal: Vigorous Physical Activity, Incident Heart Disease, and Cancer: How Little Is Enough, 12/7/2022

Chiropractic & Manual Therapies: The Role of Chiropractic Care in Older Adults, 2/21/12


WebMD: Chiropractic Care for Joint Problems: What to Know, 10/1/20


Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics: Effectiveness of Chiropractic Care to Improve Sensorimotor Function Associated With Falls Risk in Older People: A Randomized Controlled Trial, 5/16



April Newsletter: Is Your Back Ready for Spring? Visit a Chiropractor!

Humans may not hibernate, but we certainly become less active during the winter. Now that spring is here, you probably have plenty of things you’d like to do. Unfortunately, it’s not so easy to jump back into sports or start your weekly yardwork routine if your back is stiff and sore. A visit to the chiropractor can relieve stiffness and pain and help you accomplish everything on your spring to-do list.

Got an Aching Back?

About 80% of Americans experience backaches at some point in their lives, according to MedlinePlus. That’s not surprising, since your back helps supports the weight of your body, makes it possible to bend and turn, and absorbs shock when you walk, run, and jump.

If you’ve been a couch potato during the winter, or your job involves plenty of sitting, you may notice that your back feels a little stiff and achy. Reaching for a glass on a high shelf may send pain shooting through your back muscles, or you may notice that it’s harder to extend your arm fully. Knots or muscle spasms only make the problem worse.

Poor posture, falls (even minor ones), stress, or tight muscles could lead to subluxations. Subluxations occur when the vertebrae that make up your spine move out of their normal position. If this happens, the misaligned vertebrae may press on nerves causing pain and inflammation. Subluxations don’t just affect the vertebrae but may also cause nearby tissues to tighten painfully. Increased nerve pressure from tight tissues could also be a factor in your back pain.

You might only make your back pain worse if you become more active without addressing the source of your pain. Unfortunately, tight muscles tend to become sprained or strained more easily. Both subluxations and tight tissues can affect your balance, making it more likely that you’ll fall when you’re reaching to trim the hedges or return the ball during a game of tennis.

Luckily, your chiropractor can treat the source of your pain, relieve aches, and improve your flexibility and mobility.

6 Chiropractic Treatments That Can Relieve Your Back Pain

During your visit to the chiropractor, you’ll receive a thorough examination, which may involve a few X-rays of your back or other tests. Based on these results, your doctor will create a treatment plan designed to ease your back pain and keep it from returning. One or more of these therapies may be included in your treatment plan:

  • Spinal Manipulation. Commonly referred to as “cracking” the back, there’s actually no cracking involved in this chiropractic treatment. During the treatment, your chiropractor moves the vertebrae into alignment using hands-on pressure or an activator. The cracking sound occurs when gas bubbles are released during the adjustment. Spinal manipulation relieves back pain, eases muscle tightness, increases circulation, and reduces inflammation.
  • Hot and Cold Therapy. Before your treatments begin, your chiropractor may place hot and/or cold packs on your back. Heat relaxes tight tissues and improves flexibility and blood circulation, while ice relieves inflammation and pain.
  • Massage. This soft tissue therapy loosens tight tissues and feels pretty good too. Massage improves blood circulation, which helps strained or injured muscles heal more quickly. Treatments also flood your body with endorphins and serotonin, hormones that help you relax. Massage and spinal manipulation are two of the treatments recommended by the American College of Physicians for non-radicular low back pain (pain that doesn’t spread to other parts of the body).
  • Flexion-Distraction. Flexion-distraction might be recommended if your back pain is due to bulging spinal discs. The treatment, conducted on a segmented, moving table, decompresses and stretches your vertebrae, easing painful pressure on the discs.
  • Spinal Mobilization. Slow, gentle movements improve joint function and flexibility while decreasing muscle tension.
  • Ultrasound. Ultrasound waves heat the deep tissues in your back. The therapy decreases inflammation, relaxes tight tissues, improves circulation, breaks down scar tissue, and relieves pain.

Your chiropractor may also recommend a few exercises that will help you maintain the results of your treatments in between visits.

Need a little help getting your back in shape this spring? Give our office a call to make an appointment with the chiropractor.


MedlinePlus: Back Pain, 10/21/2016


SPINE-Health: Chiropractic Treatment for Lower Back Pain


American College of Physicians: American College of Physicians Issues Guideline for Treating Non-Radicular Low Back Pain, 2/14/2017


March Newsletter: How Chiropractic Helps Patients with Scoliosis

Managing scoliosis can be challenging whether you’re an adult or a teenager. Adding chiropractic to your treatment regimen offers a natural way to relieve pain and improve comfort.

Are You Struggling With Any Of These Scoliosis Symptoms?

Normally, the vertebrae that make up your spine form a straight line down your back when viewed from behind. When you have scoliosis, your spine may look like an “S” or “C” instead. The abnormal curvatures may strain or irritate your muscles, bones, spinal discs, tendons, ligaments, and nerves, causing a variety of symptoms, including:

  • Pain in Your Back, Shoulders, Ribs, Hips, or Neck
  • Sciatica (pain that travels from your lower back to your buttocks and legs)
  • Sore Muscles
  • Numbness in Your Arms, Hands, Legs, or Feet
  • Chronic Headaches
  • Muscle Weakness
  • Posture Changes
  • Trouble Breathing (scoliosis can decrease space in your rib cage and make it difficult for your lungs to expand fully when breathing. This usually only happens in severe cases.)

Scoliosis can also affect the way clothing fits or looks if one shoulder or hip becomes higher than the other.

Improving Your Condition With Chiropractic

Chiropractic treatment helps reduce the strain on your spine and tissues and decreases pain. Spinal adjustments, a treatment chiropractors use to correct misaligned vertebrae, improve joint mobility and ease tension on muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves. Quick thrusts with the hands or a handheld activator move vertebrae back into the proper alignment during a spinal manipulation treatment.

Spinal adjustments can also make breathing a little easier if scoliosis affects the thoracic vertebrae in your mid to upper back. When these vertebrae are correctly aligned, your lungs may have more room to expand.

If you have a rod implanted in your spine, you can still take advantage of the benefits of spinal manipulation. If that’s the case, your chiropractor may choose to use an activator rather than hands-on thrusts to avoid jarring your spine.

Other treatments chiropractors use to help people manage their scoliosis include:

  • Heat and Ice. Heat soothes and loosens tight, painful tissues, while ice reduces pain and inflammation.
  • Massage. Massage relieves muscle and soft tissue pain by stretching and relieving tension on tissues. During massage therapy, your body increases its production of serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins. These hormones ease pain and help you feel calm and relaxed. Massage can be very helpful if you suffer from muscle spasms or frequent headaches due to scoliosis.
  • Soft Tissue Treatments. Your chiropractor may also use other soft tissue treatments in addition to massage, such as soft tissue mobilization or myofascial release to ease pain and soothe trigger points.
  • Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS). TENS treatment uses a safe, gentle electrical pulse to relieve pain and relax your muscles. The treatment interferes with pain signals, preventing them from reaching the brain.
  • Ultrasound. Ultrasound waves warm your deep tissues, reduce inflammation, improve blood circulation, relax tight tissues, and break apart scar tissue.
  • Stretches. During your appointment, your chiropractor may show you a few stretches that will help keep your joints and tissues flexible. You’ll also learn exercises that will strengthen the muscles that support your joints, core, and spine.

Chiropractic treatments may even help reduce the curvature of the spine, as evidenced by a case series in the Open Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation. The case series explored the results of chiropractic treatment for a mother and her two teenage daughters over the course of nine years. Although the mother and the daughters could have qualified for scoliosis surgery, they elected to try chiropractic treatment instead.

After nine years of treatment, all experienced a decrease in their Cobb angles by at least six degrees. (The Cobb angle is used to measure the degree of curvature in the spine.) They also had less pain and were better able to carry out their usual activities. Although more research is needed into the effects of chiropractic on scoliosis, the treatment might offer some improvement for mild to moderate cases of scoliosis.

Need help dealing with scoliosis symptoms? Call our office to schedule your appointment.


Scientific Research: Open Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation: Chiropractic Rehabilitation of a Scoliosis Family: Results from a 9-Year Follow-Up, 2/2017


National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases: Scoliosis in Children and Teens


Spine Universe: Scoliosis Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment, Oct 31, 2022


Spine Universe: Chiropractic Treatments, 3/15/2019
